There are seven colors in sun rays, but generally we know only about the white color of light. When a rainbow is formed in the sky, we enjoy the seven colors of the light. Similarly our life is full of colors; white, black, green, yellow, blue and so many. In our life we generally look about black and white aspects of any situation. We identify our time as dark or brown. When our time is good, we identify it as golden period and when we in something hard situation, we identify it as a dark time. But what’s about the situations when we face the quite different situations? Do we identify them as yellow time, green time, purple time, indigo time and so many?

Many ways to enjoy- Rainbow the colors of life

Life provides us many ways to enjoy, struggle and for living. It is full of many colors; it is our way of thinking and way of dealing them. If we identify our life as only black and white, it is not a justice to our life. What do you think about a color television set (color T.V.) which picture tube is not working properly? That T.V. set is displaying only two colors; black and white. It is our bad luck that we are viewing a color television in only two colors; black and white. This example is good for our life too. Repair that picture tube and enjoy the colorful movie.

About the hard times of life

People are worried about the hard times of life. They look hard points and get worried. Some people treat hard time as an examination of life. They face the challenges and get some useful lessons and experiences. They look about other aspects of hard time also. They do not identify it as a dark time, they can see green, yellow and indigo colors too and enjoy with these colors. Happy life is always liked by the people. Many people waits for happiness but some people make their life happy by available resources’. Who is wise?
In our day by day life, we get a lot of learning opportunities.

We meet many people with many interests, attitudes and professions. Many people identify them as a good person or a bad person. Why they cannot identify them as good, very good, something good, partially good, good in a particular field, useful for particular purpose etc.  If we make our vision to view the people and situations in several categories, we will get a lot of useful ideas about them. The rainbow is full of many colors. It is full of beauty and interests, as our life is also full of many colors and opportunities. Try to make your vision creative, interesting and full of optimistic ideas. You will find out a new world full of colors.

Rainbow: The colors of life.
By: Anil Sahu
